Survivors of the 1937 Nanjing massacre pose for a photo during a ceremony in Nanjing on July 6, 2013; Han Yuqing/Corbis. An original version of this post was published on November 20 on Facing Today, a blog by Facing History and Ourselves . By Mara Gregory on November 20, 2017 Ms. Gregory is the International Project Manager at Facing History and Ourselves December 13, 2017 will mark the 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Atrocities . Between December 1937 and March 1938, the Japanese Imperial Army invaded the city of Nanjing, unleashing a spree of violence, murder, and rape on thousands of women, men, and children. Popular memory and history lessons often begin World War II with Europe in 1939. Few people know about the history of World War II in East Asia and the mass violence that took place in Nanjing two years before. As we come upon the 80th anniversary, consider these three reasons to teach about the Nanjing Atrocities. Broaden your teaching of World War II beyond a European ...