World War I Resources
Here are some short videos and websites that are terrific for World War I. MAIN CAUSES History on the Ne t has a nice concise page on the MAIN causes of World War I. This video clip also reviews the MAIN causes in six minutes. It comes from "Made from History." John Ruddy has an awesom review of the war in six minutes. Day that Shook the World reviews the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. It's dramatic and engaging and only seventeen minutes. WEAPONS Check out weapons of World War I on this page from History on the Net. And here's a two minute clip about chemical gases during the war. SYKES PICOT Khan Academy reviews the Sykes-Picot agreement between Britain and France below. From BBC News, Why border lines drawn with a ruler in WW1 still rock the Middle East . The author reviews teh Sykes Picot Agreement and includes good maps. A GLOBAL WAR What makes World War I a global War ? The Guardian has an awesome interactive site with seven parts. Each par...
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