
Showing posts from March, 2018

A Guernica Clip with Annotations

BBC News took the 3D Guernica clip and added annotations to help us better understand  Picasso's great mural.

Understanding Globalization Through T Shirts

The way T shirts are made help us to understand the impact of globalization.  Two video clips explain the intricate but fascinating process.  The first clip called Life Cycle of a T Shirt comes from Angel Chang for TedEd. The second comes from NPR's Planet Money.  It's called Planet Money Makes a T Shirt  and includes five short chapters based on each process.

Resisting Colonization: The Mau Mau: A Radiolab Episode

Here's a great story about the Mau Mau resistance in Kenya in the 1950's from Radiolab . Kenya was an English colony. In the 20th century, the Kikuyu, the major ethnic group in Kenya, swore a secret oath to throw out the English. They began killing cattle and over time began killing white families. The murder of one English family and their young son, who they hacked to death, brought a response by the British that was unusually brutal. The British forced many of the Kikuya men into concentration camps and tortured them in heinous ways, like applying hot coals to their eyeballs. Researchers talked to many elderly Kikuyu about their incarceration by the British but these oral histories did not satisfy many historians who wanted to see documents that outline the incarceration. Radiolab explains the amazing story about how these documents eventually came to light.

Teach the Syrian Civil War & Refugee Crisis

The Syrian Civil War has created one of the worst refugee crisis since World War II. By 2017, over five million Syrians had become refugees. Here are some terrific resources for teaching both the civil war and the humanitarian crisis. Searching for Syria   is an interactive website developed by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and Google. It shows what Syria looked like before the war.  It explains the difference between a refugee and an migrant. And it includes personal stories, stunning graphics, and video clips. I created a series of questions for students to answer as they review the site. Brown University Choices Program, Teaching with the News, has two lessons about Syrian refugees.  In one lesson students read about individual Syrian refugees through comics  and complete a graphic organizer about the refugee's journey.  I n another lesson , students read refugee stories and map their journeys. I am Syria has an excellent website fo...

How do Nations Create their National Identity?

How do nations make up their national identity? Max Fisher explains the origins of national identity in this excellent  five minute clip for the New York Times. He notes that the idea of a national identity is a relatively new idea. Just before the French Revolution, for example,  France was not really a nation. Half the people could not even speak French. Ethnicity did not line up with borders either. Over time, the idea that language race, and borders should equal a country developed.  And then nations began to create myths to suggest that their nation always existed. Check it out. This short clip might help students understand the importance of nationalism.

Arranged Marriages in India- Jain Vows in Mombai

By आर्या जोशी - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Here are two terrrific essays that will fit into the curriculum on religion. Moni Basu, a CNN reporter, writes about t he popularity of arranged marraige s among many Indian millenials. And Vatsala Chhibber, writing for LiveMint, reviews a recent ‘ diksha ’ ceremony in Mumbai in which sixteen young men women took the Jain vow of renunciation. One of the young Jain women who took the vow explained that “becoming a nun is a sensible alternative to the uncertainties of marriage, which remains a deeply patriarchal institution among most Jains.” She siad that “renunciation allows a woman to carve out a zone of autonomy and agency..." Exploring arranged marriages in India, Basu talks to one young woman who says that the idea of an  arranged marriage had been instilled in her from a young age.

Decolonization & Independence

Decolonizationa and Independence.  Clips about Angola's  & Nigeria's war for independence,  apartheid, Mandela, the Iranian Revolution and Tank Man. Primary & Secondary resources for Teaching about Decolonization National History Center The resources are divided by reigion and theme. In Africa, for example, you'll find a speech by Kwame Nkrumah called “I Speak of Freedom” (1961), and Patrice Lumumba's “Speech at Accra” in 1958 to the Assembly of African Peoples.  He wanted to  throw off “the shackles of colonialism and all its consequences.” In the section on Asia, you will find resources like Mohammed Ali Jinnah's “Presidential Address to the Muslim League” in 1940 and Mahatma Gandhi's address called "Hind Swaraj," or Indian Home Rule in 1909.  Some call this adress one of the most famous sources from the decolinization period in India. Thanks to Bram Hubbell for tweeting the link. Angolan War for Independence Decolonization in Ghana & Kw...

World War II Resources

Here are some clips and websites for World War II and early Cold War events. They include Oprha's interview with Elie Wiesel, a 3D animation of Geuernica, a clip from the Nuremberg Trials, and more. Nazi Aggression and Appeasement/ KhanAcademy Beginning of WWI/ KhanAcademy Attack on Pearl Harbor Guerinca in 3D Guerica Website with terrific images The Nuremberg Trials Trumn Doctrine & Marshal Plan Elie Wiesel interview with Oprah Berlin Airlift

Japanese Imperialism during the Interwar Period

Here are two video clips about Japanese imperialism during the interwar period. The first reviews the Manchurian crisis and the failure of the League of Nations and the second, from CCTV News, speaks to eyewitnesses about the Nanking Massacre.

The Middle Ages: Resources

Here are clips and links to the Middle Ages. The Carolingians from the series, The Dark Ages. Here's a short clip about the medieval university Charlemagne's Palatine Chapel in Aachen Germany Charlemagne's empire Great animated clip about Romanesque and Gothic archetecure.

Interwar & Rise of Dictators: Resources

Here are some short video clips covering the interwar years and the rise of dictators. Great Depression Lessons from the Great Depression from free2trade. It runs about 9 minutes. Russian Revolution An overview of the Russian Revolution from Khan Academy. Lenin Lenin's Economic Policy and War Communism Stalin Short biography of Stalin from Biography. Fascism Fascism and Mussolini from Khan Academy Mussolini Short biography of Mussolini from Hitler Short bigography of Hitler from Bigography. This TedEd video from Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard is awesome. Its called "How did Hitler rise to Power." Kristallnacht In this interview with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust survivor Susan (Hilsenrath) Warsinger shares her memories of Kristallnacht, the November 1938 pogroms.

PBL Versus Projects: Graphic Explanation

Here's a great graphic I found on Twitter that shows the difference between projects and project based learning.

AP World 7 Day Review Challenge

It's never too early for AP World students to begin reviewing. Amanda DoAmaral, whose You Tube channel has some terrrific reivews for key concepts in World History, just rolled out a 7 day reivew challenge for students . Sign up for the 7 day challenge, and she'll send you a review activity each day. She says that the activites will revolve around the most important people in AP World History. Teachers can sign up too and she will send the activities to you as well so you can review them with the students.

AP World Review Videos

AP World History teacher, Amanda DoAmaral, has a terrific YouTube channel all about AP World History. ‏ In one video, she explains how to use the reading period for the DBQ to quickly break down the question and analyze the documents. In addition, she has some great reviews for Period 5, 1750-1900, broken down by key concept.  Below, DoAmaral reviews Revoltuions and Imperialism. She's now working on the key concepts for the contemporary period, 1900- Present, so you should defintely s ubscribe to her channel. I love the videos and think they are great for students to use. I posted some of them on Classroom  before the Unit 5 test. You can subscribe to her YouTube channel here .

World War I Resources

Here are some short videos and websites that are terrific for World War I. MAIN CAUSES History on the Ne t has a nice concise page on the MAIN causes of World War I. This video clip also reviews the MAIN causes in six minutes. It comes from "Made from History." John Ruddy has an awesom review of the war in six minutes. Day that Shook the World reviews the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. It's dramatic and engaging and only seventeen minutes. WEAPONS Check out weapons of World War I on this page from History on the Net. And here's a two minute clip about chemical gases during the war. SYKES PICOT Khan Academy reviews  the Sykes-Picot agreement  between Britain and France below. From BBC News, Why border lines drawn with a ruler in WW1 still rock the Middle East . The author reviews teh Sykes Picot Agreement and includes good maps. A GLOBAL WAR What makes World War I a global War ? The Guardian has an awesome interactive site  with seven parts. Each par...