Arranged Marriages in India- Jain Vows in Mombai

By आर्या जोशी - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Here are two terrrific essays that will fit into the curriculum on religion.

Moni Basu, a CNN reporter, writes about the popularity of arranged marraiges among many Indian millenials.

And Vatsala Chhibber, writing for LiveMint, reviews a recent ‘diksha’ ceremony in Mumbai in which sixteen young men women took the Jain vow of renunciation.

One of the young Jain women who took the vow explained that “becoming a nun is a sensible alternative to the uncertainties of marriage, which remains a deeply patriarchal institution among most Jains.” She siad that “renunciation allows a woman to carve out a zone of autonomy and agency..."

Exploring arranged marriages in India, Basu talks to one young woman who says that the idea of an  arranged marriage had been instilled in her from a young age.


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